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Contacts section

What is Contacts section and how can I manage leads. Discover how to enrich leads, add them to campaigns, delete, export in bulk and more

Updated over a week ago

Lead management has long been a pain point in lemlist. Checking the status of leads used to require painstakingly reviewing campaigns one by one in the reports. Exporting leads was another challenge, as it had to be done from within individual campaigns, making bulk export nearly impossible.

To address these issues and make lead management easier, we've created a centralized location where all leads are stored. 😍

The Old System: Campaign-Level Leads

In the previous system, leads were managed at the campaign level only, which led to several complications:

  • Limited Visibility: It was quite complicated to track the progress of a lead across multiple campaigns.

  • Redundant Outreach: Avoiding reaching out multiple times to the same person was a bit challenging.

  • Non-Compliant with Best Practices: The system didn't align with expert best practices, such as account-based prospecting.

The New Contact Section: All Your Contacts in One Place

With the introduction of the new Contacts section, all contacts imported within your team, across any campaign, can now be found in one place. This change brings several key improvements:

  • Advanced Filtering: You can filter contacts based on job title, company, email, LinkedIn URL, and more. Additionally, you can choose which variables to display.

  • Streamlined Importing: Contacts no longer need to be imported directly into a campaign. They can now be imported into the Contacts section first.

  • Flexible Viewing: You can switch the main page view to see contacts or companies.

  • Bulk Export and Campaign Integration: Need to export leads in bulk? Simply select the leads you want, and a pop-up menu will appear, allowing you to export them all at once in a CSV file. You can also select leads and push them into a new or existing campaign.

Sounds amazing? 🀯 Let's dive right into the Contacts section and check out how it works! 😎

First things first, where you can find this section?

Simply take a look on the left side of your main dashboard in lemlist and in the side bar you will be able to find it.

The Contacts section works like a CRM. You can switch the main page view to see Contacts or Companies. You can also apply the filters and find the leads easier. πŸ‘‡

You can filter out your view based on the contact's name, email, job title, Linkedin URL, owner of the contacts etc:

Contact: A Contact is a person relevant to keep in your CRM. This could be someone you've done business with, a current client, someone not interested right now, or even a future prospect.

  • Fields: Contact information reflects the latest used information about the person, and as we build a Social CRM, the notion of experiences for a Contact is crucial. It helps in crafting personalized messages and maintaining an up-to-date CRM.

Lead: A Lead is an opportunity to do business with a Contact at a given time.

  • Variables: A Lead contains time-based or prospection-specific information useful at a particular moment, like β€œReason to Outreach.” In lemlist, a Lead represents one instance of a contact within a campaign.

Let's check what else we can do in this section 😍

You can change the contact's status under the Status variable.

All newly imported leads are automatically marked as "New" in the Status column.

You can change their status based on the status they have in the campaign.

For example, if a lead has received an email, but haven't yet replied, you can mark the lead as "Contacted" so you will know you are still waiting on their interaction.

Once they reply that they are interested you can change the status to "Opportunity" which will be a sign for your sales team to give them a call and seal the deal!

This is just one example of how the Statuses can be utilized.

You can also create your own statuses and remove them 🀩

❓How to modify variables in Contacts section ❓

You've noticed that your lead doesn't have a company name and you tried adding it manually but it doesn't work?

Here is how you can edit any variable in the Contacts section.

  1. Click on the lead's name

  2. Find the section "Professional experiences" in order to add Company name

  3. Type in the Company name and save

aaand here it is

If you are looking to change the owner of the lead, the process is the same. Click on the lead's name and in the pop up window navigate to the Owner section and from the drop down menu choose a new one. Simple as that 😎

❓How to find emails for my leads in the Contacts section ❓

If your lead is missing an email, you can use our Email finder and look it up within a couple of moments. πŸ‘‰ Please note that this enrichment is 5 credits per lead.

Start by searching for the lead you want to enrich and click on Find email.

That will activate the Email finder right away and now you are ready to push the leads into the campaign 😍

❓How to add leads to a campaign❓

You can select leads 1 by 1 or in bulk and simply click to push them into the desired campaign

Now you can go to the campaign, adjust the settings and launch the campaign!

❓How to delete and export leads in bulk from the Contacts section❓

One of the biggest pain points when managing leads previously was that anything you wanted to do with leads, for example export all leads that were contacted so far or just delete leads in bulk, it had to be done from each campaign separately.

Now, that is quite simple to do directly from the Contacts section 🀯

Just check the leads you want to delete or export and choose the option from the pop up menu

Now, let's say you marked all leads who replied positively on your campaigns as "Opportunity" and you want to personally reach out to them now, simply apply the filter and export only those leads.

I know, right? We listened and delivered! So keep up with your great feedbacks that will make lemlist even better in the future 😍

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