Heey lemlister!
Integrating lemlist with Clay allows you to enhance your outreach efforts and improve your workflow by seamlessly managing leads between the two platforms. Follow this step-by-step guide to integrate lemlist with Clay and start using automation to add, update, and enrich your leads. 🤩
1. Open Your Clay Account and Navigate to Settings
2. Within the Settings tab, look for the Connections section and click on it to manage integrations.
3. Click on Add a New Connection to start the integration process.
4. In the search bar that appears, type lemlist and select it from the list of available integrations.
5. Enter your lemlist API Key
Clay will prompt you to enter your lemlist API key. To get your API key, open a new tab and log in to your lemlist account.
So you will need to open a new tab and log in to your lemlist account, and go to the Settings.
Now go to the Integrations section and generate new API key.
Here you can learn how to generate it: Where to find lemlist API? 🗝
When you generate new API key and you copy it, go back to Clay and enter the key.
Now that your API key is connected, head back to your Clay table. 🤗
From there, click on Add Enrichment, then find Integrations, and select lemlist from the options. With these integrations, you can add a lead to a campaign, look up a lead, or even update a lead. 😍
For the integration to work, you’ll need to add the Campaign ID of the campaign where you want to upload your leads.
This ID is easy to find—it’s in the URL of your campaign and is usually preceded by the letters "CAM." Once you locate it, you can simply copy it and paste it directly into Clay.
That's it my lemlister! You did it!
If you need some additional help from our support team, don't hesitate to reach out!