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Why is the Launch Stage Important? 🧐

Discover the last step before your campaign can go live!

Updated over a week ago

Hey lemlister! πŸ‘‹

What is the launch stage for?

Very simply put it is for you to give us the green light to launch the campaign.
​1 lead launched = the campaign goes live for this lead.

So, what can I do?

Once you're done with creating your campaign, this step allows you to:

  • See exactly what each of your leads will receive for every step in your sequence.

  • Make sure that everything is properly set up. (messages, images, variables...).

Here you can check a quick video on how to launch your leads :)

lemlister tip πŸ’‘

This is a good way to add an extra layer of personalization to specific leads, so they feel even more unique and are more likely to answer you. πŸ₯°

e.g. you want to add a particular sentence, remove a picture, edit a CTA, etc.

You can make those changes for specific lead from the Launch section.

Simply choose the lead you want to personalize and go to the step you wish to modify:

Then you can add a custom image or text for this lead only! 😍

What if I want to make some changes to my campaign after launching my leads?

Any changes in the content will be applied to all leads that haven't yet reached that step in the campaign πŸ™Œ

Please note that if you add changes to the sequence after a lead already reached that step that you're adjusting, they will not get the updated version!


Be careful, the launch stage is not made for editing your sequence for all your leads.

It is rather to apply small changes to some specific leads.

If you want to change your entire sequence for all your leads go back to the step "Sequence".

Launch is not made for editing your lead's details either!

If you want to do so, please go back to the "Lead list" section. 😌

πŸ’‘ lemlist tip in case you have liquid syntax in your sequence and you'd like to make a review draft.

The review draft is a frozen version of the email, so during the review, we won't have {{firstName}} but already "Jack," for example. The same goes for liquid syntax such as {# "now" | date: "%H:%M:%S" #}, which will already be set ( for example 12:05:35.)

To keep dynamic content in a review draft, you need to reinsert {{firstName}} or {# "now" | date: "%H:%M:%S" #} during the review so that the variable content is replaced at the time of sending the draft.


The sequence:

The review with 3 leads:

  1. Draft without use variable in draft

  2. Draft with variable

    ⚠️ Please note that if you create a draft by replacing the content with variables, close the draft to save it, and then reopen it, all the variables will be converted again, and you will need to redo all the work of replacing the text with the variables. See screenshot above ‡️

  3. Without draft

Brilliant my lemlister! You're all good now, if you do have questions though, please reach out to our support team! πŸ˜‰

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