Heeeeey lemlister! 👋
Want to send a campaign on behalf of a teammate? It’s easy! Here’s your step-by-step guide:
➡️ Ensure the sender has an assigned seat: Before selecting a teammate as the sender, make sure they have an assigned seat in your team.
➡️ Connect the sender’s email or LinkedIn account: The sender needs to connect their email provider or LinkedIn account to send emails or messages from their profile.
Option 1: The sender can do this directly from their lemlist account.
Check out these guides:
Option 2: You can connect it for them via the Plans and Billing section.
➡️ Select the sender in your campaign: Once everything is set up, head to the Sequence section of your campaign. From there, you can easily select the sender for the campaign.
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ping us on the chat 🤗.
Enjoy ❤️