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Custom Variable format 🧩
Updated over 2 years ago

Heeeeey lemlister! πŸ‘‹

Understanding custom variable format will have you step up your cold-email level, that's a sure thing.

Lets deep dive into it.

What is custom variable format ?

Custom variable are intended to give you the room needed to improve your copywriting thanks to specific text areas that will complete your email text with custom insights about your Lead.

The predefined lemlist custom variables are:

  • {{email}}

  • {{firstName}}

  • {{lastName}}

  • {{picture}}

  • {{phone}}

  • {{linkedinUrl}}

  • {{companyName}}

  • {{icebreaker}}

  • {{}}

Be mindful of duplicated variables: It happens a lot with default variables. You will have to import your leads again and match your custom variable columns to the default variable to avoid duplication and issues during the review stage.

How does a custom variable format work?

By default, lemlist recognizes the basic custom variables.

However, it is possible to add as many custom variables as you like. 😊

Custom variables are case-sensitive. It means that {{hello}} is not the same as {{HeLlO}}.

If you want to import and match several custom variables from different columns of your CSV, the name of the custom variable will be the exact name you have set for the first row of the CSV.

🚨 Important tip 🚨

  • Always check that the braces are correctly opened and closed and that there is no space never ever in your custom variable.


    RIGHT {{icebreaker}} / WRONG {{ icebreaker }}

    RIGHT {{firstName}} / WRONG {{first name}}

Fallback value

Let's say you have this sentence:

Hello {{firstName}},

For some of your leads, the firstName is empty, it'll display πŸ‘‡

Hello ,

πŸ₯Ί That's not very cool.

πŸ‘‰ That's why you can add a fallback text that will be used if the variable is empty. The format is {{variable|fallback}}.

In our example, it would go like:

Hello {{firstName|lemlister}},

if the firstName is empty, it'll then display:

Hello lemlister,

😎 Far cooler, huh?

lemlister tip πŸ’‘ Variables can be anything you want from a full sentence to an image. If you want to use images as variables, you need to write the URL of the image in your CSV.

Enjoy ❀️

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