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📍Reports - Overview 101
📍Reports - Overview 101

Explore customizable tabs, advanced filters, and diverse widgets for enhanced campaign insights through data visualization.

Updated over 3 months ago

Heeey lemlister 🎉

Welcome to the world of reports—your go-to hub for actionable insights and performance tracking. Whether you're fine-tuning your outreach strategy or diving deep into campaign metrics, the reports section is your secret weapon to make data-driven decisions. 📊

In this guide, we'll uncover all the amazing features that make your reporting experience seamless and powerful. From creating and saving custom tabs to adding widgets tailored to your needs, you'll learn how to unlock the full potential of Lemlist reports.

So, grab a coffee ☕ and get ready to explore the treasure trove of tools designed to elevate your campaigns to the next level. 🚀

Getting Started

At the top of the Reports page, you'll find options to enhance your reporting experience:

  • Tabs for Saved Reports: You can now create and save report tabs. This feature lets you revisit customized reports anytime without starting from scratch.

In the right section, you'll find:

  • Add/Edit Widgets: Here, you can begin adding components to customize a report to your requirements. If you missed adding something, you can edit it later.

  • Share button: This allows you to share your reports with others by sending them the link below. You can choose between a restricted link, accessible only to your teammates, or a public link, which can be shared with anyone outside your team.

Filters for Precise Insights

To tailor your reports to specific periods or campaigns, use these filters:

  1. Date Range: Choose a timeframe for the data you want to analyze.

  2. Tags: Filter by tags you've applied to your campaigns.

  3. Campaigns: Select all campaigns or focus on specific ones.

  4. Users: View data for all users or narrow it down to individual team members.

We exclusively consider leads that were initially contacted within the selected time period in the filter.

There are two types of widgets:

  • Total Activities View: We aggregate the interactions.

  • Lead Funnel View: We count each interaction per lead once.

Now, let's delve into the exciting part – What types of widgets can you add?

Widgets let you dive deep into your campaign performance. Here's an overview of the types available:

📍 Widget #1: Messages sent over time

Monitor the quantity of messages sent across various channels over a specified duration.

Hovering over each chart will display the number of emails sent.

This widget sums the total messages sent during the dates selected in the filters.

Example 1: 100 emails means 100 emails were sent during the time period.

Example 2: 100 LinkedIn means 100 LinkedIn messages or LinkedIn voice messages were sent during the time period.

*This widget is a view over time of Total Messages Sent

📍 Widget #2: Sending activities over time

This widget tracks the volume of activities sent on multiple channels over time.

You have the ability to:

  • Toggle options: Email Sent, LinkedIn Message Sent, etc.

  • Analyze data based on:

    • Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily breakdowns

    • Channels: LinkedIn, Email, Phone, Others

This widget aggregates the total activities sent within the specified date range chosen in the filters.

Example 1: 100 LinkedIn invitations means a total of 100 LinkedIn invitations sent during the time period. 

Example 2: 100 LinkedIn visits means a total of 100 profiles were visited on LinkedIn during the time period.

📍 Widget #3: Lead activity over time

Monitor how your leads engage with your outreach campaign over a period of time.

This feature displays the progression of significant interactions from leads: Sent, Delivered, Opens, Clicks, Replies, and Interested.

All interactions with individual leads are totaled.

Example: 100 replies means leads replied 100 times in total during the time period.

*This widget is a view over time of Lead activities overview

📍 Widget #4: Total messages sent

This feature displays the total messages sent for each channel (Email, LinkedIn).

All interactions with individual leads are aggregated.

Example 1: 100 Emails = 100 Emails sent during the time period. 
Example 2: 100 LinkedIn = 100 LinkedIn Messages or Voice Message sent during the time period”

*This widget is a view over time of Messages sent over time

📍 Widget #5: Lead activity overview

This widget tracks the volume of sent, deliverable, opened, clicks, replied, and interested leads on multiple channels.

You can analyze data breakdowns by channels: LinkedIn, Email, Phone, Others

This widget totals the activities from leads within the specified date range selected in the filters.

Example: 100 replies mean leads replied 100 times in total during the time period.

*This widget is a numerical view of Lead activities over time

By clicking on a number, you can display the related activities and view the lead panel.

📍 Widget #6: Lead funnel over time

This widget tracks the number of leads who changed their status over time.

It only takes into account the leads first contacted during the dates selected in the filters.

Example 1: 100 contacted means 100 leads were contacted for the first time during the time period. 

Example 2: 30 replied means from the 100 leads contacted for the first time during this time period, 30 leads have replied.

You can:

  • Toggle each legend by clicking on it to select or deselect.

  • Modify the breakdown from daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.

  • You can switch from number of lead to % of lead contacted

  • Delivered indicates the opposite of the bounce rate, where a bounce of 5% translates to 95% delivered.

Breakdown of every column:

  • Contacted: Represents the number of leads contacted during the specified period.

  • Delivered: Represents the number of leads that received messages. It is the inverse of the bounce rate, with a bounce of 5% translating to 95% delivered.

  • Opened: Represents the number of leads that opened a message. Each lead's multiple opens are counted once.

  • Clicked: Represents the number of leads that clicked on a message. Each lead's multiple clicks are counted once. For LinkedIn, Invitation Accepted is included.

  • Replied: Represents the number of leads that replied to a message. Each lead's multiple replies are counted once.

  • Interested: Represents the number of leads marked as Interested during a campaign. Delivered indicates the opposite of the bounce rate, where a bounce of 5% translates to 95% delivered.

*This widget is a numerical view of the Lead funnel overview:

📍 Widget #7: Lead issues over time

This widget tracks the number of leads who had issues with the outreach.

It only takes into account the leads first contacted during the dates selected in the filters.

Example 1: 100 contacted means 100 leads were contacted for the first time during the time period. 

Example 2: 30% not delivered means from the 100 leads contacted for the first time during this time period, 30 leads are not delivered

You can:

- select or deselect each legend by clicking on it

- change the breakdown from daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly

- switch from number to %

Detail of every column

  • Contacted: This is the number of leads contacted during the period

  • Not Delivered: This is the number of leads that did not receive the messages. It is the same as the bounce rate.

  • Not Interested: This is the number of leads marked as Not Interested during a campaign.

  • Unsubscribed: This is the number of leads who are unsubscribed.

📍 Widget #8: Lead funnel overview

This widget tracks the status changes of your leads. It only takes into account the leads first contacted during the dates selected in the filters.

Example 1: 100 contacted means 100 leads were contacted for the first time during the time period.

Example 2: 30 replied means from the 100 leads contacted for the first time during this time period, 30 leads have replied.

Breakdown of every column:

  • Contacted: This represents the number of leads contacted within the specified period.

  • Delivered: This indicates the number of leads that received messages. It reflects the inverse of the bounce rate, where a bounce rate of 5% equates to 95% delivered.

  • Opened: This denotes the number of leads that opened a message. Each lead's multiple opens are counted once.

  • Clicked: This signifies the number of leads that clicked on a message. Each lead's multiple clicks are counted once. For LinkedIn, Invitation Accepted is included.

  • Replied: This represents the number of leads that replied to a message. Each lead's multiple replies are counted once.

  • Interested: This indicates the number of leads marked as Interested during a campaign.

*This widget is a numerical view of the Lead funnel over time

📍 Widget #9: Sending performance

This widget identifies the user’s best-performing sending emails to make improvements. It tracks the status changes of your leads with a sending email breakdown.

Only leads that were initially contacted within the selected time period in the filter are considered.

Each interaction per lead is counted only once.

Example 1: 100 contacted means 100 leads were contacted for the first time during the time period. 
Example 2: 30% replied means from the 100 leads contacted for the first time during the date breakdown, 30 leads have replied.

Breakdown of each column:

Contacted Leads: Indicates the number of leads contacted during the specified period.

Delivered: Indicates the percentage of emails that have been successfully delivered. It represents the opposite of the bounce rate, where a bounce rate of 5% equates to a delivery rate of 95%.

Opened: Indicates the percentage of leads that have opened a message. Multiple opens from the same lead are only counted once.

Clicked: Indicates the percentage of leads that have clicked on a message. Multiple clicks from the same lead are only counted once.

Replied: Indicates the percentage of leads that have replied to a message. Multiple replies from the same lead are only counted once.

Interested: Indicates the percentage of leads that have been marked as "Interested" during a campaign.

  • Arrange data in ascending or descending order for each column.

📍 Widget #10: Lead funnel by campaign

This widget tracks your lead status changes by campaign. The total number of leads reviewed, in progress, and completed is displayed in the table.

It only counts the leads first contacted during the dates selected in the filters.

Example 1: 100 contacted means 100 leads were contacted for the first time during the time period. 

Example 2: 30% replied means from the 100 leads contacted for the first time during the date breakdown, 30 leads have replied.

You can:

  • Arrange columns in ascending or descending order.

  • Load additional data by clicking the “Show 100 more” button.

  • Open the campaign editor in a new tab by clicking on each campaign name.

Breakdown of each column:

  • Leads to Review: Represents leads not yet chosen for launch.

  • Leads Reviewed: Represents leads selected for launch and awaiting their first message.

  • Leads in Progress: Represents leads contacted and currently active in the campaign.

  • Leads Completed: Represents leads that have finished the campaign and will no longer receive messages.

  • Opened: Percentage of leads that have opened a message. Each lead's multiple opens are counted once.

  • Clicked: Percentage of leads that have clicked on a message. Each lead's multiple clicks are counted once.

  • Replied: Percentage of leads that have replied to a message. Each lead's multiple replies are counted once.

  • Interested: Percentage of leads marked as Interested during a campaign.

📍 Widget #11: Leads in campaign

This widget allows you to access and filter leads based on their current status and to push them to other campaigns

It shows leads who were first contacted within the dates selected in the filters. The status shown for each lead is the current status.

Example 1: If you filter the date to the month of January 2024, this widget will show the leads who were contacted for the first time in January 2024. If one of these leads only replies today (e.g. March 2024), this lead will have the “replied” status (this lead will not have the status he had in January 2024). 

Example 2: A lead with the “clicked” status means his status today is “clicked” (regardless of the date filter). This also means this lead has already been contacted, delivered and has opened a message.

Under this widget, you have a variety of options and configurations available for customization. You can:

  • Sort each column in ascending or descending order.

  • Filter leads by their status. The filter displays the strongest status, similar to filters in the lead section of the campaign view. For instance, "Opened" indicates that the lead opened the email without replying or expressing interest. Filters apply to all leads, not just those shown in the preview.

  • View the date at which the last status occurred for each lead.

  • Load additional data by clicking the “Show 100 more” button.

  • Select each lead and push them to a campaign.

    • When leads are pushed to a campaign, leads already inside of the same campaign won’t be important, however, they will be imported if they are in another campaign within the same team.

    • If leads are already in a campaign and you wish to add them to the campaign, a popup appears showing which leads were not imported. You can download a CSV file containing the leads not imported for further use.

  • Click on each campaign name to open the campaign editor in a new tab.

  • Select a lead to open the lead panel with their information.

📍 Widget #12: Lead funnel by date

This widget tracks your lead status changes by date.

For instance, if the breakdown is monthly, each row represents a month of the year.

The widget only counts the leads first contacted during the dates selected in the filters.

Example 1: 100 contacted means 100 leads were contacted for the first time during the time period. 

Example 2: 30% replied means from the 100 leads contacted for the first time during the date breakdown, 30 leads have replied.

You can:

  • Adjust the breakdown by day, week, month, or year.

  • Sort each column in ascending or descending order.

  • Load additional data by clicking on the “Show 100 more” button.

Breakdown of each column:

  • Contacted Leads: Represents the number of leads contacted during the specified period.

  • Delivered: Indicates the percentage of leads that receive the message. It is the opposite of the bounce rate, where a bounce of 5% equates to 95% delivered.

  • Opened: Indicates the percentage of leads that have opened a message. Each lead's multiple opens are counted once.

  • Clicked: Indicates the percentage of leads that have clicked on a message. Each lead's multiple clicks are counted once.

  • Replied: Indicates the percentage of leads that have replied to a message. Each lead's multiple replies are counted once.

  • Interested: Indicates the percentage of leads marked as Interested during a campaign.

📍 Widget #13: Heading zone

With this widget, you have the option to insert heading text blocks between widgets to enhance the organization and structure of their reports.

📍 Widget #14: Text zone

Utilizing this widget you have the ability to include small text blocks between widgets, allowing for improved structure and organization within their reports.

Note: When there is no data available in a widget, an empty state is displayed.

This occurs when you have never sent a campaign or when applied filters do not match any existing data.

In summary, with this reporting system, you now have the ability to create tabs for better organization and utilize advanced filters for precise data viewing. Additionally, a variety of widgets are available to enhance the visual representation of your reports. With these improvements, it's easier than ever to keep track of your campaigns and understand how they're doing. We're always working to make things even easier for you! 🚀

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